01/20/2019 GBTF in Togo

Greetings from Togo,Today we began our week training pastors in Togo with a visit to two separate churches.  I spoke at Maranatha Baptist Church while Greg spoke at Bethany Baptist Church, Pastor Sika’s church.  Since Sika traveled with me to the other church to introduce me there,  Greg was left on his own at Sika’s church with my translator Donald.I spoke on faith from 2 Kings 4 (which I mentioned on my weekly blog site).  When the service was over Sika took me back over to his church to greet his people and then he asked me to share the message I had just preached again with his church!  So I gave them the quick version since it was right after they had heard Pastor Dixon preach a great message for the regular morning service.  I suppose in a way that was a nice complement from Pastor Sika!I included a picture below of several of us.  That’s Pastor Greg on the left, Sika beside him with his son, and Translator Donald on the far right.  Sorry, the others were not introduced to us!This will be our fifth Togo class, and we are teaching the subject of preaching this week.  My prayer is that the pastors will really get the help they need in this tremendously important area.  Pastor Greg will be speaking on church planting for about an hour and a half each day.  Our hope is that God will stir them, not only about the great need but also the opportunities our organizations provide in both the training and financial assistance to start new churches.Please pray for the Togo classroom that God will abundantly bless HIs Word to these Togolese men of God!
