04/09/2021 News from afar – Kenya

Our East Africa trainer, Shinga Fidele, taught his for Global Baptist Training Foundation classroom this week in Kenya. Here is his report.

Dr. Bruce,
My class was so good and enjoyable. GBTF was welcomed with great joy here in Kenya. Pastors from all over Kenya said that to them it is an answer to their prayers to have Biblical Education around and near by them because it has been a problem to go to the capital city Nairobi which is far away from where they live. Again most of them couldn’t make it to go to Nairobi for Biblical Studies because of finances which cannot afford the cost. This week 51 completed the class requirements for Interpretation of Scripture. Praise the Lord.
After the teaching session I asked them who is willing to support people during the next classes. They were so happy to give what they will use in next class.

They gave 5 Goats 🐐
Many Kgs of rice 🍚
7Kgs of Sugar
Many liters of milk 🥛
Bread 🥖 many of them
Fruits 🍉
and other many things that they will need to use that week.

Your Brother,

What a blessing! Nationals training nationals and nationals sacrificing to feed others! We cannot think of a better investment of our time, money, and prayer. GBTF moves forward into Kenya.