06/03/23 A Note from Fidele Shinga in Tanzania
Greetings! Thank you very much for your always prayers for me and mostly when I’m teaching.
I am glad to let you know that the men here in TANZANIA, were very happy with the teachings of Homiletics I and the Book of ACTS.
Some of them said that they “have been preaching without any outline.” Others said that it is their first time to do expositional preaching! What a wonderful class we had!!! Great week I am telling you.
I myself learned a lot about the missionary journeys of Paul seeing how the early church operated in unity and also the work of the Holy Spirit that enabled them to spread the gospel beyond Jewish communities up to to the gentiles as it was the intention of God from the beginning. Wauuuu!!!!
Thanks to God for the understanding of His Word. But also we thank you as our trainers and leaders in GBTF.
May God bless GBTF Supporters in Jesus name.
Your fellow-laborer in Jesus Christ,
Fidele Shinga
GBTF East Africa Trainer
NOTE: GBTF will have a team of four in Tanzania in July for the graduation of Tanzanian pastors and church leaders who have completed our entire program of theological studies.