07/11/2018 Rwanda Video Update

Here is video update from Rwanda:

We are considering taking a team to Rwanda this October.   We have not made a final commitment until we see if we can get a team and some funding. As we mentioned earlier, Rwanda experiences a brutal rainy season this year. People died when their houses washed away. The church in Kigali where we hold our GBTF classes also suffe   red severe damage (see the attached pictures)!   We will also attempt to raise some funds to help with the repairs.  We love these people, and we feel this is a worthy investment.  It is not the main mission of GBTF, but we cannot close our eyes to this need. If you have construction skills and would like to participate, please drop us an email.  We anticipate that those going may have a chance to:

1. Help repair or rebuild the damaged part of the building

2. Observe the GBTF pastors training which will be occurring at the same time on the same grounds

3. Attend church in a remote village

4. Tour the national park where you will see animals in their native habitat

5. Get a fresh vision for this Central African nation and the needs there

Thank you for praying and giving!
