07/13/2017 – Graduation in Rwanda

GBTF swerved into Rwanda’s spiritual future today!  This marks the day we began the process of training the brightest of the local pastors to train their own nation with the materials of Global Baptist Training Foundation.   Our originating vision for GBTF has anticipated this day in the process of training Rwandans.  It was truly exhilarating to stand before the first ten leaders this afternoon to initiate their preparation.  This process will take some time and extra commitment, as well as additional time in Rwanda, but it will be worth all of that!

Our fifth graduation service in six years was another highlight of today with 55 graduates who received a certificate of completion for this class on the study of the NT church.  Having invested in these men now for several years, this year’s class was particularly engaging by both the students and the professor.  Since this area of theological study is so important as to how local churches carry out the Great Commission mandate, I was very satisfied with how these Rwandan pastors responded this week.

On another high note, today marked the beginning of the third ladies classroom held here in Kigali.  Grace will update you about that in a separate blog, but I can tell you the ladies were already out in force today and very excited

Let me thank all of our foundation’s followers for praying, giving, and staying engaged with us this week.  We are continually amazed at what God is doing and simply want to be available to Him.  Hope you enjoy the pics from today.