07/19/2019 Uganda: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

And just like that, another graduation day is here. This time it’s in Entebbe, Uganda.   About 40 pastors complete TWO courses this week!  The joy they feel at this accomplishment is best seen in the pictures of the pastors with their certificates of completion!

Remember that these pastors must attend every class and pass daily quizzes over the material.    They work HARD for this intensive week of training every six months and fully deserve the certificates they earn!

What a joy to see them worship before class, at class breaks, and even at night before they get a few hours sleep!

Video: Ugandan Pastors Worshipping at Night July 2019

The day of graduation, they always choose songs about their commitment to the mission of Jesus Christ!  Their newly acquired knowledge of the Scriptures seems to energize them anew.  That is what Global Baptist Training Foundation is all about – training the nationals and turning them loose to win and disciple their own people for Christ!

Video: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus Uganda July 2019

We are so thankful for the ministry and teaching of Dr. Larry Bazer!  He impacted these pastors this week with his knowledge of and passion for the Old Testament!

If you are not song so, you can sponsor one or more of these pastors’ education.  See www.gbtf.net for the pictures and bios of each of these pastors.  We pray that fruit may abound to your account as you help equip God’s servants around the world!