09/10/2021 Kenya Encouragement

This week I have been in Kenya in our second classroom here with our East African GBTF trainer Fidele Shinga. It has been gratifying to see our first national at work in the classroom setting. In just 3 years we will train up to 500 pastors and leaders here in Kenya.

Fidele represents what we envision will one day be 10,000 theologically equipped national trainers all over Africa training other national Christian leaders and beginning hundreds or even thousands of new church plants all over the continent of Africa.

Our hosts here have been praying for a college for 14 years to begin preparing leaders for their movement. They have now told us that their prayer has been answered with the arrival of Global Baptist Training Foundation holding mobile classrooms in strategic regions of Kenya.

Today, we graduated 55 from our course on Bibliology, Christology, and Anthrolpology. The women are begging for a class just for them. These graduation pictures never get old to us!!!