09/24/24 Classes, Bibles, and Surgery

We have always believed that Global Baptist Training Foundation has the best donors in the world!  The past couple of weeks have again shown this to be true. Here are some of the things our GBTF donors have done:

Patrick Walyaula’s surgery was paid by a GBTF donor.  We are thrilled that the surgery was successful, and now we wait to hear the pathology reports. Continue to pray for him!

Another donor had a burden to furnish Swahili Bibles.   We are often brokenhearted at how many do not own a copy of God’s Word.  Unfortunately, Bibles are not inexpensive. In Tanzania, Bibles are $15.  In Uganda, Swahili Bibles are $8.  We have been able to purchase 600 Bibles.  In Tanzania, the Bibles are already being distributed.  The Bibles for Uganda are in shipment. Watch for updates in the near future!

Yet another donor had a burden for the transportation needs we have mentioned. We have two trainers that need vehicles and several of our trainers need motorcycles. We are working to meet some of these needs now.   Pictures to come. 

Bruce is en route to Kenya and then Malawi for graduations in the next two weeks.  We will, of course, send lots of pictures and videos.  The classes in Kenya are in progress. This group, taught by Fidele Shinga, GBTF African Director, is in their final class before their graduation this Friday!

Classes are also underway in the southern part of Tanzania taught by Hezron Mwaisemba, our GBTF Tanzania Coordinator.  He says this class would have been larger except for several having medical emergencies. Even with this, 25 people are in their first class. The amazing thing about this group is that most of these class participants have come to faith in Christ from Muslim backgrounds. 

Thank you to our generous donors!  We are thrilled to see the work of training nationals multiplying quickly!! 

Bruce and Grace. Snavely

Global Baptist Training Foundation