09/28/23 Another Week in the Life of GBTF
Graduation in Liberia
Global Baptist Training Foundation is proud to congratulate another graduating class in Liberia. To reach this point, these indigenous pastors have attended fourteen courses over the period of 2-3 years. They have completed course assignments, attended each session, and earned the diploma the received. This is HUGE for those who previously had no access to theological training and had no resources to pay for it. GBTF brings this training in modular format (which is accessible to most nationals) at no cost to them. We wish you could be there for one of these graduations to see the joy from the graduates, from their church members, and from their families. See the video below of the graduates singing while walking in!
While this class was completing their training this week, GBTF was at work elsewhere.
Sudan/Uganda Border
Pastors Gilbert and Samuel were training pastors from both Uganda and Sudan. We have previously shown efforts to reach into this restricted access nation. Nationals can do what westerners cannot do.
Village Church Plants in Uganda
Pastor Naboth writes this:
Village ministry today 24/9/2023 updates,two people have given their lives to Christ and one of the two is a serious drunkered after his salvation he has demanded for water Baptism,I drove him to church in town for Baptism, reaching at church , there was no water in Baptism tank as general problem to the whole town.I told him to wait until next Sunday,he said no,that he can not wait,so I had to drive him with some witnesses,I drove to the lake,he was baptized and he went back to his home while rejoicing.Please continue praying for village ministry the land we saw hopping to be bought for village ministry,part of it is sold to other people,We pray that God may give us money and we buy what is left.
We thank God for the work of GBTF moving forward. Train the nationals to train the nationals. Visit www.globaltrain.org to be part of this work.
Bruce and Grace Snavely
Global Baptist Training Foundation