10/13/2019 Rwanda October Begins

I’m back in Rwanda for our October classroom.  Pastor Larry and I got in Saturday about mid-afternoon and met Fidele expecting to get our first ride in Fidele’s newly purchased used car.  However, Fidele was the emcee in a local wedding and had to have his friend Eric drop us off at the Guest House near the teaching facility.  We showered, rested and then went to get something to eat before spending our first night in Kigali. 
After breakfast this morning, we finally got to see Fidele’s new car.  It’s a well-maintained Toyota sedan formerly owned by an older man who drove it primarily to his office and back daily.  It looks like Fidele made a sound decision in his choice of a car.  We then attended worship at the main church of the Baptist Union of Churches in the city.  It was a special day with several visiting choirs and pastors from our group.  The service lasted well over two hours with all the music, but it is always enjoyable to see.  Both Larry and I managed to stay awake despite severe jet lag following 21 hours of flight time!
The pastors we met this morning appear to be excited and ready for two more classrooms this week in both NT Survey and Homiletics II.  As Larry and I teach this week, I am going to emphasize two things to the men: first the demand of becoming trainers themselves, and, secondly, the need to raise up new church planters.   The greatest way to evangelize is to reproduce a church somewhere.  In this way, a newly trained pastor and people can strategically reach out into a new area to reach people for Christ.   
The apostle Paul clearly taught in 2 Timothy 2: 1-7 that only faithful men who had been soundly trained should be handed the gospel baton to move and multiply the gospel into the future.  We are seeing this done successfully in several other areas of the world, but Liberia is one our greatest models for what God can do through church planting with over 100 started in the last 24 months.  Fidele is going to challenge these Rwandan pastors about what is possible for them this week after having seen first hand what God has done in West Africa in such a short time.  This is Global Baptist Training Foundation’s goal in every country in which we train church leaders.
Pray for us this week, but pray specifically for each of the pastors we encounter.  They are the hope of Rwanda and the future of Africa.  As God reaches down to use these prepared men of God, we want to give them the best possible means of be agents of change and transformation in the place where the world once watched genocide nearly destroy it.  Gratefully, Satan was not successful in his quest to kill and destroy entirely.  May God continue to allow Rwanda to reach its God-given potential to the glory of God in these days!  
Would you like to be involved in our mission to train the indigenous?  Visit the sponsor a Pastor page to get involved.  For just $20 a month (about one specialty coffee a week) you can literally cover the cost of one pastor’s entire training per year.  In just over two and half years we can train them for effective ministry!  Join the effort!


Sponsor a Pastor

Rwandan Worship
