10/28/23 Burundi Class

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) pastor training in Burundi October 2023
GBTF Pastor Training in Burundi October 2023

Global Baptist Training Foundation honors those church leaders who are working to complete their training in Burundi. Fidele Shinga has two separate classes in different parts of Burundi. A total of 150 will graduate in the next few months.

Fidele is carrying on the GBTF theme verse found in II Timothy 2:2 where Paul told Timothy to take what he had learned and teach it other faithful men who would then teach others also. Please watch the videos below for a glimpse into one of our classes.

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) pastor training in Burundi October 2023
Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) pastor training in Burundi October 2023
Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) pastor training in Burundi October 2023

Next up: Tanzania.   Watch for updates later this week! 

Fidele Challenging Burundi Students:

Charge to Students in Burundi: