11/01/24 Amazing News from Tanzania

Our GBTF team and a group from Two Cities Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, have just completed a week of exciting ministry in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania!  

During the week, Bruce and Fidele, GBTF African Director, continued training a group of Tanzanian national trainers.  We were able to take iPhones, projectors, shirts, business cards, and other needs to equip them to train hundreds of others. 

In addition to Fidele, Naboth Atusasire, GBTF East Africa Director, joined us. Many of you have written to ask about Naboth’s health as he was  hospitalized with malaria.  Naboth left the hospital in Uganda and boarded a plane to Tanzania. He gives certain testimony that God has healed him.  He worked with the team from Two Cities and also helped with the trainer training. 

The two Cities team worked with two GBTF church plants in greater Dar es Salaam this week. Accompanying the leadership and members of these two churches, Emmanuel Baptist and Faraja Baptist, the team visited area families and people.  They sat in homes, on front porches, and in public places sharing the gospel.  They had brought Swahili tracts to distribute and were able to purchase some Bibles for those professing their faith Christ. 

We saved the best for last!!  The Two Cities team working with the two GBTF church plants saw a total of 248 people who professed Christ as Savior including 35 Muslims.  The two churches will continue to follow up with each of these new believers. We hope to give reports of baptisms and growth in the future. In a couple of days, we will send an email with the some special stories of a few of these people who were saved this week.  

Here are some of the needs that became evident this week:   Swahili Bibles, Buildings for these young growing churches, continued resources for GBTF for training and meeting needs of trainers and church planters. 

Upcoming Emails: Stories from Tanzania, Church Budlings in Progress

Bruce and Grace Snavely

Global Baptist Training Foundation


Loving Tanzanian Children

Sharing the Gospel in Tanzania

Setting up for Church in Tanzania