11/17/23 Training Trainers in East Africa

Global Baptist Training Foundation hosted 14 trainers from Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, and Malawi. Nov. 2023
GBTF hosted 14 trainers from Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, and Malawi. Nov. 2023

Last week, Global Baptist Training Foundation hosted 14 trainers from Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, and Malawi. The training was held in southern Rwanda. This week’s new trainers received information and equipment necessary for their training sessions. Look for updates in the near future about these trainers. Some clips of their teaching are below.

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) pastor trainee receives GBTF shirt in Rwanda Nov. 2023
GBTF pastor trainee receives GBTF shirt in Rwanda Nov. 2023
Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) pastor trainee receives projector in Rwanda Nov. 2023
GBTF pastor trainee receives projector in Rwanda Nov. 2023
Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) Trainee in Rwanda Nov. 2023
GBTF Trainee in Rwanda Nov. 2023

Here are some things to consider about GBTF’s Trainer Training program:

1. Our trainer training is done in regions. In January, we will hold trainer training in Liberia in February in Uganda, and in March, Tanzania. And that’s only the first quarter of the year!   At each of these training sessions, potential trainers from surrounding countries gather.  In all, GBTF has about 50 trainers in the process of being prepared. 

2.  These are pastors who have either completed the entire GBTF program and graduated or are finishing up the program now.  

3.  Once trained and approved, each trainer will use GBTF produced and translated materials to hold training classes in their areas and regions.  

4. We currently have about 10 regional trainers holding classes in addition to the widespread training some by our full-time East Africa Trainer, Fidele Shinga. 

For example, within the past 10 days, Gilbert Okecha has held a class in rural Uganda. Gilbert also travels into Sudan to train pastors and church leaders. 

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) Gilbert Okecha Bible class in Uganda Nov. 2023
GBTF Gilbert Okecha Bible class in Uganda Nov. 2023

Pastor Naboth also held training classes in a different rural part of Uganda.

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) Pastor Naboth training pastor in Uganda Nov. 2023
GBTF Pastor Naboth training pastor in Uganda Nov. 2023

At the same time, across the continent of Africa, Fragley Motor was holding training in Liberia.

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) Fragley Motor training in Liberia Nov. 2023
GBTF Fragley Motor training in Liberia Nov. 2023

This is INTENTIONAL MULTIPLICATION!  Not only are hundreds of pastors and church leaders being trained and grounded theologically and Biblically, they are motivated, equipped, and encouraged to plant new churches and continue the process of training and church planting in new areas and new countries.  

5. Each of the trainers will need some level of financial support.  Most will travel within their own region and maintain their pastorate but may need travel expenses, material duplication, or other vital class expenses. Some will eventually require a salary so that they can travel full-time opening up more of the 54 countries of Africa. We currently hold training in 15 of those 54 countries. 

This is a God-sized goal!  Only God can do a work like this. Shinga Fidele says it difficult to explain what God is doing all across Africa!    As you consider your end-of-year giving strategy, GBTF is an excellent way to see the gospel spread across the world by training nationals to train nationals.    Go to www.globaltrain.org to give and read more updates.

Your Fellow Servants,

Bruce and Grace Snavely
Global Baptist Training Foundation

P.S.  Look for an email in the coming days about our exciting women’s ministry in Rwanda last week!

Trainers in Rwanda Singing at the End of Intense Training Days
Trainers Send GBTF Supports Thanks and Greetings
Bruce Gives a Charge to New Trainers in Rwanda