04/04/23 Zimbabwe Course Completion

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) Pastors Training in Zimbabwe April 2023
Pastors Training in Zimbabwe

Last week, Global Baptist Training Foundation East Africa Trainer, Fidele Shinga, held the first ever GBTF class in Zimbabwe.  The class yielded great fruit with excited pastors and wives beginning their training and open doors into Botswana and Mozambique.

GBTF Fidele Outdoors Zimbabwe
GBTF Fidele Outdoors Pastor’s Training in Zimbabwe April 2023
GBTF Fidele Outdoors Zimbabwe April 2023
GBTF Pastors Training Outdoors in Zimbabwe April 2023

One interesting fact about this class is that the weather was so hot, they actually had to move the class outside under the trees.  

We received an email from one of the pastors in this class thanking us for bringing the training to his country. He stated that he had prayed for many years to be able to have more training in the Bible and his ability to preach.  We often get sincere thankfulness from the pastors and others who are being trained in theology, church planting and evangelism, and practical ministry and preaching.   Visit us at www.globaltrain.org and help us continue taking this training around the world!

Bruce and Grace Snavely
Global Baptist Training Foundation