03/27/24 GBTF From Africa to Asia
Several exciting things are happening this week with Global Baptist Training Foundation in several parts of the world.
First, we have a class that has wrapped up in Myanmar. As you may remember, we spent ten years training pastors in Myanmar in several locations. A civil war and military coup have made this country unsafe for travel. We are thankful for our long-time translator, Pastor Luke, who is continuing to train for GBTF (see video below). We have both men’s and women’s classes here in Myanmar. We are able to fund these classes and are thrilled to see nationals training nationals.
Central African Republic
Fidele Shinga, GBTF Director for Africa, also opened up a brand new country – Central African Republic. This is the third new country for GBTF in 2024. Our goal is to reach 6 new nations each year to reach our goal of being in all 54 African nations by 2032. Fidele is a vibrant teacher and motivated servant of God. (See video below)
Finally, the church building under construction in Uganda, funded by faithful GBTF donors, is going up quickly. This is another way in which nationals excel at the work of the ministry. They know how to get things done quickly in their own countries. Pastor Naboth is now the East African Director for GBTF and is leading this church plant and their building project. We anticipate being there in August to help dedicate this new building!
We have also received report of over 200 saved in the church plants in South Sudan. We will give more updates on these churches among the refugee camps soon.
Praise the Lord for His mighty work. Visit www.globaltrain.org to join us in training nationals to train nationals.
Bruce and Grace Snavely
Global Baptist Training Foundation