07/31/24 Mozambique, Uganda, and 2nd Quarter Update
We are thrilled to report that a generous donor has given funds to help repair the church building in Ethiopia that was washed out by heavy rains. The funds are now in their hands. We will get updates and pictures when they are available! We have exciting pictures and videos from Fidele Shinga’s Class in Mozambique last week. He had a large class in this Portuguese-speaking nation. Mozambique is opening doors to training pastors in several other Portuguese-speaking nations as well. One of the surprises during this class was a man walking by carrying a huge cow head (see pictures below)!!
In just one week, we (Bruce and Grace) leave for Uganda along with Pastor Justin and Sarah Johnson of the Newark Baptist Church in Elton, Maryland. We will have a full week including a dedication for a building we have just built for one of our church plants thanks to generous donors. We will also be able to minister in local schools, have a women’s conference with Alice, and meet with a large group of our GBTF national trainers. Look for many pictures and videos next week.
We sent a preliminary report from some of the 455 church plants that GBTF-trained pastors are currently planting all over Africa. We have trouble getting results in a timely manner. Many of these church planters do not have computers, internet, or ability to communicate quickly. In fact, of the reports we did receive, many are hand-written. Still, with the results we have received, we can report that 6,896 have come to faith in Christ in this second quarter through our GBTF church plants. And this is with many not reporting. When you add that to the over 6,500 who were saved in the first quarter, the numbers are staggering. Of course, a large percentage of those professing faith in Christ have also been baptized and are in discipleship training in the churches.
This is absolutely a work of God that we could never have foreseen when we founded Global Baptist Training Foundation. The intentional multiplication training nationals to train nationals is bearing abundant fruit.
These reports from our church plants also share some heartbreaking prayer requests. One church is falling down due to a termite infestation. Other young churches are meeting under trees in the African heat. Many request shelters to keep the sun off of the people. These church services often last 5 hours or more, so we certainly understand these needs. We ask you to join us in praying for God to meet the needs of these churches.
If you’re not partnering with us, please go to globaltrain.org. You can see past emails, videos, and pictures there as well.
Bruce and Grace Snavely
Global Baptist Training Foundation
Mozambique: Exercising to Stay Awake After Lunch:
Exercise Games to Stay Awake After Lunch:
Mozambique Pastors Worshipping/Singing on Graduation Day: