09/20/2019 Second Liberian Graduation
Today is the completion of our second Liberian classroom in two weeks here in Buchanan. It has been an exhausting but profitable time. The pastors here are becoming highly motivated to take charge of their personal and collective ministries in light of their being equipped and trained
It is privilege to invest in people, who through no fault of their own, have never had a chance at good theological education. I can see that they are taking the classes seriously and working to implement their learning by training others.
We will implement our third classroom here in January in the capital Monrovia, and then the fourth on the southeast coast in March. We truly believe the Lord is at work here and the goal of starting 500 churches by the end of 2021 is truly a God-sized goal. We all know that you never hit what you don’t aim for. Please remember to pray for all the present and prospective church planters as they labor in their respective areas.
As I sit here in the Liberian airport waiting to come home I am excited about the birth of our twelfth grand-child. Xander will be waiting to meet Grandpa when I land back in Orlando in about 24 hours. Can’t wait to meet him!