08/28/2018 Gbarnga, Liberia

We have finished up our second full class day.  Yesterday we had 78 pastors.  Today we topped out at 82.  The room doesn’t have a chair left and it is truly packed out!  This is the largest class of pastors we have taught to date.  The men who have come this week clearly want the…

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01/20/2018 – Another Liberian Class in the Books

This week we have seen the Liberian ministry take a giant leap.  Let me explain.  Just one year ago this month we had our first classroom here.  It was good by any objective standard: 62 men and one woman finished their first course of this seven course curriculum.  Not bad, I thought for the first…

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09/09/2017 – Final Words from Liberia

I am sitting in the airport in Casablanca, Morocco, collecting my thoughts from yesterday’s final class and graduation.  Our graduation service ended yesterday with 60 men and one woman completing their coursework.  What made this class unique?  There are likely several things, but I think two things made the difference.  First, the men are truly excited…

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