07/19/24 2nd Quarter Report – Part 1

We are beginning to get reports from the church plants that have been started by GBTF-trained pastors for the second quarter of 2024.   While the results are incomplete, we could not wait to share these initial numbers.    We will update again as more reports come in. This chart indicates that just 100 of…

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05/15/24 Nationals Reproduce Teaching

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) African Director Fidele had a large class in Rwanda.

Rwanda We continue to be encouraged as our 50 national trainers reproduce the training they have received.  These classes occur every week all across Africa.   Fidele had a large class in Rwanda.  We have previously reported about the revival that broke out among these pastors.   Below is a link to a video of these pastors…

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05/03/24 Classes, Buildings, and Opposition

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) African Director Fidele conducts a class of 73 pastors in Rwanda.

Every week is full of news and updates from Global Baptist Training Foundation. This week is no exception! Rwanda Fidele has a class of 73 pastors in Rwanda.  This is a completely new class from the recent Rwandan graduates.  A third class is planned in the next few weeks.  Fidele had a revival break out…

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04/18/24 Powerful Results for GBTF in Africa Increasing

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) Ethiopia baptism candidates.

Global Baptist Training Foundation exists to take theological training to pastors and church leaders with cost to them.  The layers of results from that training continues to expand rapidly.  We have now received a report for the first quarter of 2024 from East Africa where GBTF-trained pastor are currently planting 300 new churches.  These churches…

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12/01/23 What Do Your Donations Accomplish?

As we begin the last month of the year, we want to thank our donors for faithful, generous, and sacrificial giving to help train nationals and spread the gospel! What do your donations accomplish? 2. Supporting national trainers who are taking the GBTF training into nations, some of which we could not even get into…

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11/25/23 Women’s Ministry Takes Huge Step in Rwanda

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) Women's Bible class Rwanda Nov 2023

The primary mission of Global Baptist Training Foundation is to theologically equip national pastors.  But our secondary mission is to train other church leaders.  Training pastors’ wives has been part of our practice since the beginning of GBTF in 2011.  In the past 3-4 years, this women’s ministry has been hindered because Grace was taking…

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11/17/23 Training Trainers in East Africa

Global Baptist Training Foundation hosted 14 trainers from Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, and Malawi. Nov. 2023

Last week, Global Baptist Training Foundation hosted 14 trainers from Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, and Malawi. The training was held in southern Rwanda. This week’s new trainers received information and equipment necessary for their training sessions. Look for updates in the near future about these trainers. Some clips of their teaching are below.…

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08/23/23 131 New Churches Thriving in Africa

Malawi Church 2023 Global Baptist Training Foundation

We are thrilled that Global Baptist Training Foundation trained pastors are now planting (starting) 131 brand new churches throughout Africa.  The 41 new churches in Liberia have reported over 500 people saved and baptized in the first quarter of 2023.  In addition, there are 22 new church plants in Rwanda, 18 church plants in Burundi, 15…

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Training Trainers (Rwanda)

Bible Training in Rwanda Global Baptist Training Foundation

This week, Bruce is in Rwanda for a new type of class. 25 pastors have traveled from 6 (Rwanda, Malawi, Tanzania, Burundi, Kenya, and Congo) nations to begin the process of training to become trainers. Having already been trained through Global Baptist Training Foundation classes, these men now want to do what Fidèle Shinga is…

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Monumental Moment in Rwanda

Fidele presenting certificate in Ethiopia

Bruce has arrived in Rwanda in advance of next week’s exciting training of 25 pastors from 6 nations. All 25 have either finished or are nearly finished with the entire Global Baptist Training Foundation curriculum. They all desire to become trainers for GBTF. Look for lots of picture and updates. Tomorrow Bruce gets to preach…

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