Spiritual Revival in Africa

Rwanda Training Group 2023

Nearly 30 years ago Rwanda was nearly decimated by a genocide between two modern warring tribes.  The terror of those ninety days will never be forgotten by either those who survived or those who watched the results of this human tragedy on their televisions.  However today, Rwanda is unrecognizable from the days when its very…

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01/28/2022 – GBTF 10 Year Anniversary in Rwanda

We are preparing for a party of four to journey to Rwanda two weeks from today – three teachers and a photographer/videographer! This is a very special week in Rwanda. It is the ten-year anniversary of Global Baptist Training Foundation in that nation. Even more exciting, over 50 pastors will complete all of our GBTF…

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10/16/2021 Another Milestone Approaching in Rwanda

Friday Afternoon the Rwandan pastors got one step closer to finishing their coursework with Global Baptist Training Foundation. They are predictably excited about receiving their official diplomas next February when we return for the last class. This is a task that we have been working on together for nearly ten years. About 25 pastors will…

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10/12/2021 – Rwanda Classes resume

After a two year break due to Covid, classes have resumed in Rwanda. While about half of the pastors still cannot travel because of travel restrictions, finances, and lack of bus availability (due to labor shortages), nearly 40 pastors have made it to Kigali. They sang and praised the Lord for the ability to be…

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06/30/2021 Rwanda Update – Covid Fatigue

The global pandemic wears on and affects every part of the globe. Just yesterday, we got word that Rwanda has shut down every district and forbidden any travel between districts. That means our class, scheduled to begin in just ten days, had to be postponed. It breaks our hearts but is out of our control.…

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10/19/2019 Rwanda Graduation October 2019

Our October classroom in Rwanda is completed!  As we watched our 52 pastors graduate today from two more courses, I realized just how close they are to completing Level Two in their training.  Just three more classes and they will have over fourteen subjects in their respective academic portfolios!  This is an amazing accomplishment for them…

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10/17/2019 Rwanda Mid-Week Update

Today is hump-day for us here in Kigali, Rwanda.  After today it will be all downhill to our finish on Friday afternoon for graduation.  This year we will have held four separate classes (two in July and two this week) in Kigali for the pastors who are progressing rapidly.  Everything is changing very rapidly in…

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10/13/2019 Rwanda October Begins

I’m back in Rwanda for our October classroom.  Pastor Larry and I got in Saturday about mid-afternoon and met Fidele expecting to get our first ride in Fidele’s newly purchased used car.  However, Fidele was the emcee in a local wedding and had to have his friend Eric drop us off at the Guest House…

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07/12/2019 GBTF Flourishing in Rwanda

The teaching week has flown by once again and, by this time tomorrow, we will be safely settled on the compound in Entebbe, Uganda, preparing for another week of study.  This week could not have been much better.  We accomplished all our goals, got all the material covered, and graduated 49 pastor-students early this afternoon.…

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