12/19/23 Drop a Pebble in the Water

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) Bible training class with Pastor Naboth in Uganda December 2023

James Foley wrote, “Drop a pebble in the water: just a splash, and it is gone; But there’s half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on, Spreading, spreading from the center, flowing out to the sea.  And there is no way of telling where the end is going to be!” When we first founded Global…

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12/12/23 GBTF National Trainers in Uganda and Sudan

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) Pastor Gilbert Ockecka training pastors in Sudan. Dec. 2023

Our vision for training nationals to train nationals is in full force!  You see reports of Shinga Fidele, our East Africa Trainer, holding classes in many East African countries.   We also have very active trainers in Uganda.   Pastor Naboth is holding a GBTF class in Western Uganda with 29 students.  This is how…

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12/01/23 What Do Your Donations Accomplish?

As we begin the last month of the year, we want to thank our donors for faithful, generous, and sacrificial giving to help train nationals and spread the gospel! What do your donations accomplish? 2. Supporting national trainers who are taking the GBTF training into nations, some of which we could not even get into…

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11/17/23 Training Trainers in East Africa

Global Baptist Training Foundation hosted 14 trainers from Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, and Malawi. Nov. 2023

Last week, Global Baptist Training Foundation hosted 14 trainers from Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, and Malawi. The training was held in southern Rwanda. This week’s new trainers received information and equipment necessary for their training sessions. Look for updates in the near future about these trainers. Some clips of their teaching are below.…

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09/28/23 Another Week in the Life of GBTF

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) pastor graduation in Liberia September 2023

Graduation in Liberia Global Baptist Training Foundation is proud to congratulate another graduating class in Liberia. To reach this point, these indigenous pastors have attended fourteen courses over the period of 2-3 years. They have completed course assignments, attended each session, and earned the diploma the received. This is HUGE for those who previously had…

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09/22/23 A Very Busy Week!!

Bruce Snavely training 12 pastors to become Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) instructors.

A lot is going on this week with Global Baptist Training Foundation.  When we talk about intentional multiplication, this email will show you just how wide and quickly that multiplication is taking place with training, new trainers, church plants, and people coming to the Lord and being baptized. LIBERIA Bruce is in Liberia giving advanced…

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09/04/23 National Training Nationals

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) Pastor Naboth trains nationals in Western Uganda 2023

Global Baptist Training Foundation’s classes around the world bring college level theological training to pastors and church leaders who have no access to or ability to pay for such education. Most of the donors who fund the GBTF training have caught a vision for what is possible when you equip, motivate, and mobilize indigenous trainers…

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07/30/23 Uganda Graduation

Graduating Class of 2023 from Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) in Uganda July 2023

We had a second graduation last week in Uganda. While this was a smaller graduation than Tanzania, it was just as meaningful. We had several testimonies from men who had prayed for training and see GBTF as the answer to that prayer. Several of these pastors, including Gilbert Ochecka (see attached video) and Pastor Naboth…

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06/25/23 GBTF Work Going Forward Across Africa

Pastor Atusasire Rwabaryongo (AKA Pastor Naboth) with Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF)

We are thrilled at what GBTF-trained nationals are doing all over the continent of Africa. Global Baptist Training Foundation’s mission is to train nationals to train nationals. We call this intentional multiplication. We train one pastor thoroughly and watch him go out to train others, plant new churches with pastors who are GBTF trained as…

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03/12/23 Uganda Class Completion

Uganda Class Completion March 2023 Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF)

The GBTF classes in Uganda have wrapped up. These were the final two classes in our curriculum. Most of these 50 pastors will graduate in July.  To say they are excited is an understatement!  Now Dr Bruce Snavely and Dr Larry Bazer are on to Tanzania where this week,  the pastors will also finish two…

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