12/01/23 What Do Your Donations Accomplish?

As we begin the last month of the year, we want to thank our donors for faithful, generous, and sacrificial giving to help train nationals and spread the gospel! What do your donations accomplish? 2. Supporting national trainers who are taking the GBTF training into nations, some of which we could not even get into…

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10/28/23 Burundi Class

Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) pastor training in Burundi October 2023

Global Baptist Training Foundation honors those church leaders who are working to complete their training in Burundi. Fidele Shinga has two separate classes in different parts of Burundi. A total of 150 will graduate in the next few months. Fidele is carrying on the GBTF theme verse found in II Timothy 2:2 where Paul told…

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09/22/23 A Very Busy Week!!

Bruce Snavely training 12 pastors to become Global Baptist Training Foundation (GBTF) instructors.

A lot is going on this week with Global Baptist Training Foundation.  When we talk about intentional multiplication, this email will show you just how wide and quickly that multiplication is taking place with training, new trainers, church plants, and people coming to the Lord and being baptized. LIBERIA Bruce is in Liberia giving advanced…

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08/23/23 131 New Churches Thriving in Africa

Malawi Church 2023 Global Baptist Training Foundation

We are thrilled that Global Baptist Training Foundation trained pastors are now planting (starting) 131 brand new churches throughout Africa.  The 41 new churches in Liberia have reported over 500 people saved and baptized in the first quarter of 2023.  In addition, there are 22 new church plants in Rwanda, 18 church plants in Burundi, 15…

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